how to freeze champignons

How to prepare champignons for freezing You should also be sure to cut off the bottom of the stem. As for cutting, you should cut larger mushrooms. Smaller ones can be left whole. Before freezing, the mushrooms should be dried well, then put in bags or containers and sent to the freezer.

How to keep mushrooms in the freezer?

Experts recommend washing the mushrooms well and drying them. They can be placed in freezer bags whole or already sliced. If you need mushrooms in slices, for example, for pizza, you need to cut them, put them on a plate covered with foil and send them to the freezer.

How to freeze mushrooms correctly?

How to freeze :

  1. Sort through the mushrooms, cut off any spoiled spots, rinse and dry them.
  2. Spread them out on a wide tray in a thin layer and put them in the freezer at the lowest possible temperature.
  3. After 10-12 hours, take out the mushrooms, put them in bags and put them in a freezer with a normal storage temperature.

Aug 6, 2019

How to store champignons properly?

You can store the raw product as a whole or chop the mushrooms into cubes or slices. Mushrooms can be kept in the freezer for about 3 months. But they should be packed in airtight containers or bags. By the way, fried champignons are also suitable for freezing.