what is an artichoke

What does artichoke treat?

Chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, chronic non-calcific cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia of the hypokinetic type, chronic nephritis, chronic renal failure.

What does artichoke mean?

Artichoke (Latin: Cynara) is a genus of plants of the Asteraceae family, which includes more than 10 species. One of them – the garden artichoke – belongs to the garden vegetables, distributed mainly in the Mediterranean.

How to eat an artichoke?

Artichokes are edible primarily because of their peduncle, but also because of the flesh of the leaves. The leaves are dipped in a sauce or gravy prepared according to preference, and the center, or peduncle, is considered the most delicious part of the artichoke and is consumed alone or added to salads.